Friday 4 January 2019

The MOST Comfortable Fold-Up Mattress EVER is the Milliard Memory Foam Mattress!

When my college student daughter came to stay for 3 weeks over Christmas holidays, I knew my two-seated sofa would not be comfortable for that long. I needed a solution and FAST!

 6" Milliard Foldable Memory Foam Mattress

When my oldest came to visit for a few weeks, I would happily give up my memory foam queen bed and bedroom. I would be sleeping in the living room on the sofa which has been fine for a few days but for 3 weeks? No way!

I searched the internet for possible mattress solutions that could easily be stored away during the day. I wanted something that folded but was not uncomfortable, like a camp mattress. After reading many reviews, and comparison shopping online, I came across the perfect mattress on Amazon. The reviews were exceptional and informative so I decided to buy the 6" Milliard Memory Foam Foldable Mattress.  I was still skeptical and not sure if it would be as good as it seemed. 

The mattress was delivered right to my door in just a few days. It was rolled tightly into a 2' x 2' x 5' box. The instructions said to lay the mattress out flat for up to 8 hours in order for it to expand to its full size. I immediately opened up the box and rolled the mattress out flat. After about 6 hours, the mattress was its full 6 inches thick and so very soft and comfortable. 

The Milliard Memory Foam Foldable Mattress comes in twin, full, and queen. I chose full to accommodate a couple of people but did not take up too much space in a room. The cover is made of soft bamboo fibers and is machine washable so it is super easy to keep clean. 

 The most comfortable foldable mattress ever

This mattress expanded into a 6 inch thick peace of heaven. Not only is this an ideal mattress because it folds up for easy storage when not in use and has a washable cover, but it is comfortable for as many days slumber as you need. 

I slept well those 3 weeks. It was as good as my queen mattress. I was so glad I bought the Milliard Memory Foam Mattress and recommend it to everyone.

 6" Milliard Memory Foam Mattress

We use our Milliard 6" Memory Foam Mattress for sleepovers with friends and when company stays over night because it is so comfortable.

No more having guests sleep on an uncomfortable couch or you sleeping on the sofa while you give your bed up for guests.

The 6" Milliard Memory Foam Foldable Mattress is fantastic! You will be happy you bought this mattress for overnight guests and may even prefer it to your own bed:)

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